Jeremy Statton

Living Better Stories

Are You Prepared Enough?

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Just before starting medical school, my wife and I found out that we were pregnant. It’s probably obvious, but this was not our plan.

We envisioned her working while I studied my way through school. We would consider having kids later, when we felt more stable. Better prepared. Financially sound.

I remember telling one of my mentors about the shocking news. I was scared. I was overwhelmed. I was embarrassed.

I expected him to say, “Don’t you know how that happens.” Instead he said:

“There is never a good time to start a family. Never.”

He was letting me know that even if everything in life went according to plan, that for some things, a good time would never come.

It would never fit in. It would never be convenient. I would never feel ready. I would always be too busy.

If I was waiting until we were fully prepared emotionally, financially, and occupationally, then I would never begin.

There are some things that you have to start. Ready or not.

Knowing versus Doing

Writing better stories with your life can be the same.

We desire to see change in our lives. We dream of a better path.  Our hearts long for something more.

Something bigger. Something better. Something remarkable.

We know what our dream is, but we are too busy preparing to begin to live out that dream.

We are waiting for the perfect moment to begin. A moment that does not exist.

Is there valuable preparation that needs to take place? Yes.

There is training that can help. There are resources that might prove invaluable. There are mentors that can help guide you on your way.

photo by Andrew Ferguson (Creative Commons)

But taking on risk and starting something incredibly crazy really never fits into our life. It is never convenient. It will never make sense.

You will never be fully prepared.

Prepared Enough

How did I learn to be a father? By being a father.

I really didn’t have any choice.

I learned by doing the work. I learned in both success and failure. I learned in laughter and in tears.

Who is ever really ready to be a dad?

Who is ever ready to live out their dream? To rewrite their story?

For most of us “preparing” is really just a form of excuse making.

  • I want to start that new company, but I’m just not ready yet.
  • I want to move to Africa and run an orphanage, but I need more time to prepare.
  • I want to write that book, but I’m just so busy right now and I haven’t had a chance to organize my thoughts.
  • I want to marry that girl, I want to start having kids, I want to explore adoption, I want to go on a mission trip,

But, But, But ….

If we are honest, we aren’t really preparing.

We are stalling.

We are afraid of the work. We are afraid of the risk. We are afraid of what others will think of our dream. We are afraid that we will fail.

All of these things are possible, and yes, they are scary.

But the only way to begin is to stop asking if you are prepared. Instead ask if you are prepared enough.

Are you using preparation to stall? Waiting for the perfect moment? Tell us about it in the comments.


About Jeremy Statton

Jeremy is a writer and an orthopedic surgeon. When not ridding the world of pain, he helps you live a better story. Follow him on Twitter or Facebook or Google +.

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